IT’S A TOUGH world, having to mow the lawn, do the laundry, wash the dishes, and all while earning a living.


But imagine if we still had to sweep the floors instead of hoovering? Or boil a pan of water over a fire instead of switching the kettle on? I can’t help but wonder what state our homes would be in without all of these time-saving devices.


There is no argument over how useful technology is, but acknowledgement of this simple truth is lacking.


Historypin is a website which is collecting memories, anecdotes and histories in a project to protect our stories and widen our understanding of the world and our place in it.


One of the projects they are working on at the moment is ‘Remember how we used to cook and clean’. It has pictures of some of the earliest incarnations of everything from dishwashers to espresso machines.


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Reading festival goers didn’t have to sacrifice all of home’s comforts, even in 1975. Here a couple is making tea in the back of their car in 1975. 


Now that fridges, ovens, stoves, heating and things come as standard, I can’t help but wonder how ‘luxurious’ the early caravans would have been. What are your essential gadgets to have in your tourer?


If you’ve been caravanning in one of the early-days caravans, I’d love to hear about it!

Bryony Symes