Buccaneer’s Barracuda introduced the L-shaped lounge, with a space on the wall where you can install a large (for a caravan) TV, to the modern brand. Now that Barracuda has settled in (with a couple of minor tweaks), the design team in County Durham no doubt decided it was time to take the idea into new layouts. Step forward the Buccaneer Bermuda.
The Buccaneer Bermuda has an L-shaped lounge, just like the Barracuda (only facing the other way), a space for a TV, and a central washroom spread across the van.
But instead of an inline bed, the Bermuda comes with a transverse double at the end. It still has the same interior length as the Barracuda (6.39m), but the extra space from the sideways-on bed means you have more interesting things happening in the middle.
Pitch and set up

The benefits of a Buccaneer for towing remain as ever for the 2021 season.
You get Al-Ko’s ATC trailer control system and an AKS:3004 stabiliser fitted as standard, as well as an E&P self-levelling system to make life easier when you arrive on site.
In addition, you get a 40-litre onboard water tank. You might not even need to wheel your Aquaroll about.
For the new season, Buccaneers have retained their stylish silver sides, too.

Having an L-shaped settee where the main part of the L faces people as they come in feels a little more sociable than the way the sofa is arranged in the Barracuda.
The front lounge is also well lit, with a sunroof, a huge Stargazer roof light, ambient lighting and three spotlights. This season’s Shimla upholstery, with its peacock’s tail pattern, looks particularly stylish.
The dark finish of the wood, however, is a bit of an issue here. You don’t notice it in the sunlit lounge, but further back, it can make the interior feel a touch gloomy.
Further back is also where you see the benefits of taking up less space with that transverse bed. There is enough room for a sideboard, which also houses the table. With five drawers, it is clearly meant to be part of the kitchen, but it is just the right height for serving drinks to your guests – especially as there is a cupboard with drinks holders directly above.

The good provision of drawers continues into the kitchen proper on the nearside, with three large ones under the worktop, plus a large cupboard that contains two useful storage baskets. The work surface itself has a large extension. It also contains a domestic-style stainless-steel sink and a four-burner hob, complete with cast-iron pan stands. Up above are four cupboards, one with a crockery rack.
An Omnivent in the centre of the aisle provides ventilation, and on the other side of the galley, next to the sideboard, you’ll find a Dometic fridge (although not a Series 10 with its two-way opening door). Above that is the microwave, and above that, a small locker.

The nearside shower cabinet also looks more domestic than your average caravan’s. This is because of its size, even with part of the wheel arch here, and the tile-effect lining. There is a soap dish on the riser bar, and a clothes rail you can pull down.
The washroom proper on the offside includes a large salad-bowl-style basin, a well-lit mirror, a heated towel rail, a toothbrush much and a double cupboard with shelves. All is well lit and ventilated by a rooflight.

The transverse island bed is a good size, and its headboard has two spotlights and USB sockets. The area is flooded in light from another Stargazer rooflight.
Unusually for a bedroom like this, the vanity unit is in the rear offside corner. It has a mains socket nearby for a hairdryer, and another USB socket. That leaves the bulkhead in the front offside corner clear for a TV – there’s a set of sockets here, too. Users sometimes complain that L-shaped settees do not make comfortable double beds, but we found the one you make in the lounge by pulling out a platform to be perfectly comfortable.
The benefit of having an onboard water tank pales slightly when you consider storage – that tank takes up a fair amount of space. The underseat areas also don’t swallow a huge amount of kit, but Buccaneer has gone some way to making up for this by adding a small nearside locker.
At least the Bermuda is blessed with big wardrobes either side of the bed, and two sizeable overhead lockers in both the front lounge and the bedroom. There are those five drawers in the sideboard, too.
It was a good idea to extend the L-shaped settee format into other layouts – generally, the Buccaneer Bermuda works well. It is a bit skimpy on storage because of that design, but it partly makes up for this with a high spec.
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The benefits for towing remain as ever for the 2021 season. You get Al-Ko's ATC trailer control system and an AKS3004 stabiliser fitted, as well as an E&P self-levelling system to make life easier when you arrive on site
Technical Specifications
Berth | 4 |
MiRO | 1831 kg |
Payload | 159 kg |
MTPLM | 1990 kg |
Interior Length | 6.39 m |
Shipping Length | 8.16 m |
Width | 2.45 m |
Awning Size | 1090 cm |
Spec list | ATC AKS3004 stabiliser, E&P self-levelling system, Alde wet heating, four-burner dual-fuel hob, 155-litre fridge, separate oven and grill, microwave, BBQ point, 40-litre onboard water tank |