If packing up your pitch leaves you with a bad back or hard ground slows you down, this extra-large peg puller will have you on the road in no time. Manufactured in the UK from solid steel, the powder-coated puller is not short on quality or usability. At 48cm in length, it makes reaching pegs easy, even when they’re lodged in ground baked in the summer sun. It is lightweight, easy to store and will perform again and again.
Ultimate Peg Puller XL
If packing up your pitch leaves you with a bad back or hard ground slows you down, this extra-large peg puller will have you on the road in no time. Manufactured in the UK from solid steel, the powder-coated puller is not short on quality or usability. At 48cm in length, it makes reaching pegs easy, even when they’re lodged in ground baked in the summer sun. It is lightweight, easy to store and will perform again and again.