THE NUMBER OF caravans being stolen from petrol and service stations rose steeply in 2010 according insurance specialists Caravan Guard.
The insurer reports that a downward trend in caravan thefts from service stations started in 2006. The reduction is attributed to owner’s vigilance and the fitting of better security devices. Last year however broke the downward trend, with sharp rise in the number of caravans stolen compared to 2007, 2008 and 2009.
And Caravan Guard points out that losing your caravan from the road is potentially more traumatic than losing if from storage. With all your holiday kit inside, your caravan is at it’s most valuable so the loss could prove expensive as well as ruining your holiday.
Practical advice
Teresa Eastwood, Caravan Guard’s Claims Liaison Manager, gives some practical advice on how to avoid a theft when stopping at services,
“Most thefts are occurring when the caravan has been parked up for ten minutes or more while the owner is inside the service station, rather than when just filling up the tank. Most people don’t put their wheel clamp on in this situation, but doing so could be just the deterrent needed to stop your caravan being the next one taken.”
As well as things such as wheel clamps and hitchlocks which can be quickly and easily fitted when parked, Caravan Guard say protecting your tourer with a tracking device is also a good idea,
“Fitting a pro-active, monitored tracking device you are ensuring that even if a would be thief gets through your security devices then your caravan has a great chance of being recovered by police. Most caravans fitted with a quality tracking device are recovered within a matter of hours meaning the caravans contents are usually fully untouched.”
As well as minimising the chances of the caravan going missing in the first place, it also reduces the cost of your caravan insurance premium.
Practical Caravan’s advice for keeping hold of your tourer
- Invest in good quality, high-visibilty security kit
- Use your wheelclamps and hitchlocks whenever you stop for a rest
- Park with other caravanners rather
- Avoid leaving your caravan unattended for extended periods
- Invest in a monitored security device
For more information on security devices or to request a quotation, call Caravan Guard on 01422 396 777 or visit the website