Captain’s log, Stardate October 2009.
WE SAW THE Dethleffs Aerostyle at the Autumn NEC show the year before last and we loved it. Customers craving spaceship styling and innovative family layouts were finally catered for. We even liked the fact that the sales team were dressed in Star Trek uniforms on the stand.
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The biggest thing counting against these talented tourer was (and is) the exchange rate. Built in Germany and priced in Euros, by the time they touch down in the UK, they’re the thick end of £35000 and that’s a lot of beans for an oddball import with questionable resale values.
It is not a lot of money for a spaceship however.
Dethleff’s dealer is John Cooper Caravans in Lincolnshire. If you fancied cosmic caravanning but were put off by the price, JCC has one here on eBay that might suit you.
It’s a 2010 model ex-demonstrator offered at ten grand off list. The Aerostyle 570 has room for two space cadets at the rear, with a fixed double to the fore for the captain and first officer. In line with Continental tastes, a small kitchen and washroom are order of the day and the door is on the wrong side. No sign of an airlock either, but you could always get an awning.
At £25,000, this is hardly a snip, but if you want a well-built, practical tourer which makes an Airstream look two-a-penny, then this must be worth a look.
Set course to Scunthorpe and make it so…